Saturday, October 29, 2011

Letter to Cormac McCarthy

Dear Mr. McCarthy,
I think that your book is an amazing novel.  I think it has a great plot and is fabulously written to match it.  Your novel has a plot that makes people think about things that they would not necessarily want to think about.  For example cannibalism, this is something that in the modern day United States people don't think about because it does not happen.  However the fact that these people are resorting to cannibalism shows the ugly side of human nature.  It shows that humans would be willing to do anything to ensure their own survival.  This is especially well shown when they find the people locked up in the basement because they are being penned up like animals to be slaughtered.  Your novel is also very well written.  This shows in the emotion of the characters.  When you describe their feelings you know exactly how they feel and you almost get those same emotions.  Also you describe everything in such detail you can really see it in your mind. One last thing you mqnged to do is emotionally attach us to the characters we really care what happens to them. Overall I think you have written a great novel and can't wait to find out how it ends.

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